AI FOMO? Get It Working For You

It’s the most talked about technology today – perhaps because AI is not static, and is evolving rapidly in the L&D world. Michael Hruska, AI and L&D thought-leader says AI is “a toy/tool/teammate – your synthetic team member.” Hruska sits down with our ELB Learning partners and Magazine to bring you up to speed on the possibilities today and in the future.


Michael Hruska – CEO of Problem Solutions, Technologist and Design Thinking (DT) practitioner. Michael has spoken extensively on AI with experience spanning across standards, emerging technologies, learning, and science.

Dr. Christina Barss – Chief Transformation Officer, Problem Solutions. Christina presents nationally and internationally on design thinking, change management, organisational culture, corporate learning, executive education, and succession planning.

This 45-minute webinar delves deeper into AI FOMO with the antidote of tangible actions. Aimed at learning and development, as well as HR professionals, this webinar will guide you through advanced strategies for nurturing an adaptable and growth-oriented organisational culture.

AI and Change Management: Cultivating Adaptability and Growth

We explore the nuances of change management in the context of AI, focusing on cultivating resilience, fostering innovation, and promoting a mindset of continuous improvement. Learn how to build on their existing AI strategies, overcome advanced challenges, and ensure that their teams are ready and excited for the future.

This session will arm you with the tools and insights needed to turn the challenges of AI integration into opportunities for growth and development.

Learning Objectives:

  • Deepen Change Management Skills: Enhance your understanding of change management by learning how to build resilience and adaptability in your team, fostering an easy and natural transition for AI-induced changes.
  • Foster Innovation and Growth Mindset: Discover advanced techniques for encouraging innovation and a growth mindset within your team, making your organisation a fertile ground for new ideas and continuous improvement in the face of AI advancements.
  • Develop Advanced AI Integration Strategies: Learn to anticipate and overcome complex challenges in AI integration, ensuring your strategies are robust, forward-thinking, and capable of guiding your team confidently into a future shaped by AI.
Watch the video:

For more information about how to leverage AI in your organisation’s eLearning and development plans, contact the expert team at ITC Learning below:

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